The internet is loaded with stuff about mental health, but tbh a lot of it is full of junk and can sometimes not very helpful!
Our advice? Ditch the Mental Health tag on Tumblr, and have a look at these websites that we think have some good stuff to say!
If you want some legit help or advice about how you, your friends or your family are feeling, we think the best site going for more in-depth info is Epic Friends...!
This website offers you a big old list of organisations that can help you, no matter what you’re going through, so you can find one that works for you!
This website is great for you if you’re going through homelessness, if you’re a young carer of simply just having troubles at home.
Hope Again offer help and support for young people who have lost someone.
KOOTH is a fantastic free online counselling service for young people open 365 days a year...
BWW is an anonymous and free online peer support and counselling forum for 16-19 year olds...
Other cool stuff happening locally...
If you'd rather find a youth group to meet some new people and a youth leader you can talk to, or simply learn a new skill, there's heaps of clubs and groups that meet locally!
Or you can check out these local service providers in your area direct...
Spark offers counselling and mentoring both in schools (which the schools are asked to contribute to the costs) and in the community. Community mentoring is free and counselling is donation only.
Our Youth Club meets at Loughton Youth Centre on Mondays in term time 3.30pm-5.30pm - it is a gentle youth club - a nurturing safe pace where young people can be themselves.
I need help RIGHT now!
If you feel that someone may be at immediate risk then you can always call 999.
If they require urgent medical attention then help them attend your nearest hospital A&E or urgent care centre.
If you or a friend need help for the first time, it's best to talk to an adult you know and trust, such as a...
social worker,
or parent/carer
They may already have noticed that something is wrong and will be able to help you find the best support.
If you need to see a medical professional face to face, a good place to start is an appointment with your GP. Emergency appointments can be made if you need them, and some doctors have an out-of-hours number.
If you really need to talk to someone straight away for support, then call:
01245 357357 or 08457 909090
24-hour service offering confidential support to anyone in crisis
0800 1111
free and confidential telephone support for children and young people
NELFT helped put the MiLife project together and they know everything there is to know about emotional wellbeing and mental health.
You can call them on:
0300 300 1600 9am to 5pm mon-fri
On the end of the line are experienced mental health professionals who are there to help. Outside of these times you can call 0300 555 1201 if there’s a crisis.
please note that the above numbers are charged at a local rate. if you are calling from a mobile, a member of staff can call you back if you ask them to
You might have ended up here because you or someone you care about is having a really bad experience. You are not alone and there are people waiting to help you if you get in touch with them.